Python: Why you should choose pytest instead of unittest?

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1. What is Pytest?

The pytest framework makes it easy to write small, readable tests and can scale to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries.

2. Why do I choose pytest instead of unittest?

Although both frameworks are great for performing testing in python. Firstly, pytest is fast, efficient, and easy to work with. For example, in unittest, we will need to import modules, create a class and define the testing functions within that class. However, in pytest, we only need to define the testing functions. In addition, pytest has rich plug-in support and community support and much more popular than the unittest.

3. Highlighted features in pytest library.

In general, I think there are three key features worthwhile to be shared here: Fixture, Marker, and Customized Configuration.

3.1 Fixture

They provide a fixed baseline so that tests execute reliably and produce consistent, repeatable, results. Initialization may setup services, a state, or other operating environments. These are accessed by test functions through arguments; for each fixture used by a test function, there is typically a parameter (named after the fixture) in the test function’s definition.


import pytest

class Fruit:
   def __init__(self, name): = name
       self.cubed = False

   def cube(self):
       self.cubed = True

class FruitSalad:
   def __init__(self, *fruit_bowl):
       self.fruit = fruit_bowl

   def _cube_fruit(self):
       for fruit in self.fruit:
# Arrange
def fruit_bowl():
   return [Fruit("apple"), Fruit("banana")]

def test_fruit_salad(fruit_bowl):
   # Act
   fruit_salad = FruitSalad(*fruit_bowl)

   # Assert
   assert all(fruit.cubed for fruit in fruit_salad.fruit)

3.2 Marker

We can create a pytest.ini file under the testing directory, and declare the test configuration within this file. Mostly, we can hybrid the concept of fixtures to set up predefine connection strings or even client connections. In my most current code case, I have defined some fixture and global variables under the test directory and named it Here I will share some examples line for pytest.ini.

Registering marks

You can register custom marks in your pytest.ini file like this:

markers =
  slow: marks tests as slow (deselect with '-m "not slow"')

or in your pyproject.toml file like this:

markers = [
  "slow: marks tests as slow (deselect with '-m \"not slow\"')",

3.3 Customized Configuration

We can create a pytest.ini file under the testing directory, and declare the test configuration within this file. Mostly, we can hybrid the concept of fixtures to set up predefine connection strings or even client connections. In my most current code case, I have defined some fixture and global variables under the test directory and named it Here I will share some examples line for pytest.ini.


pytest.ini files take precedence over other files, even when empty. Let me share one example of pytest.ini

# pytest.ini
minversion = 6.0
python_files = test_*.py
python_classes = Test
python_function = test_*
addopts = -ra -q
testpaths =
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