1. What is the BMI?
The BMI is the abbreviation of the Body Mass Index (BMI). It can be used to measure leanness based on height and weight. It is also a measurement of the health condition. It is used for the statistical purposes, it analyzes the health condition of a person’s weight on people of different heights.
2. Formula and standard
BMI=Weight(Kilogram) ÷ (height)^2 (m)
For an adult:
- Too light: Below 18.5
- Normal: 18.5-23.9
- Overweight: 24-27
- Obesity: 28-32
- Very Obese: above 32
3. Source code
height=float(input('What is your height(m): '))
weight=float(input('What is your weight(kg): '))
if BMI<18.5:
print('Too Light')
elif 18.5<=BMI<25:
elif 25<=BMI<28:
elif 28<=BMI<32:
elif BMI>=32:
print('Seriously Overweight')
print('your BMI is :',BMI)
4. Output

5. Note
The key concept behind this code:
- To understand how to use input
- To undersantd how to convert data type
- To understand how to make condition judgement by if and elif